Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Easy as cutting through warmed butter just like the wings cut through clouds. 
Mind gets opened, clear & relaxed. 
Freedom that's freely given by excepting the challenge of the unknown flight. 
Not knowing what it will entail or reveal. 
Different seeings from different angles but same destination.  
Never knowing what you'll see, how you'll see it or how it changes. 
It's space waiting to be discovered like a hidden planet filled with air. 

What is air? What is cleared spaced undiscovered? Is the sky filled with air or does air make up the sky? 

Free from the worries of the day, the hauntings of the yesterday's or the fear of the tomorrow's.
Lifted from the weight of gravity & even the waiting. 
Only seeing shadings of what is revealed, textured with what creates. 
Light, for it shows or lack of, hides. 
Watching as the clouds form into that mountainous figures filled with mystical creatures and unsought adventure. 
Taking you to places only dreamed of. Making them that much closer to reality. 

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