Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Turkey Before The Table

This is a blog that was inspired when we were preparing for our Turkey Day feast (Thanksgiving). I though of a really cool name, so i thought I would write about our preparation, our feast, and experience.Honestly Turkey Day is not the same without your immediate family, the food tastes different, and what your used to, just is not there no matter how hard you try.

BUT, this is the GREATEST thing about being part of God’s family, no matter how uncomfortable, lonely, or hard situation your in, He is always there and He provides more comfort than your mother and more protection than your father can, cause He was our first love, He was there before our parents beginning and there parents begging and so on and so on. HECK GOD IS THE BEGINNING AND WAS THERE BEFORE TIME. (Really meditate, focus, repeat on that saying and read John 1:1, it will BLOW YOUR TOP!)

So we first started out by slaughtering the turkeys, we did it a new way i have never seen before which takes the head right off without spilling blood everywhere, it very intriguing and cool. When we were gutting them we found all the different types of stages of eggs, we even found one that was fixin to come out of the turkey and was hard and everything. Thats enough for the detail. lol!

(This is me [of cource] with 2 fully undeveloped turkey eggs, which only have the yoke in them) 

Then the next day our awesome leaders here, cook the turkey and some sides and really tried to make it fill homey. Man, they really love Jesus, they show it so much and really love us interns like one of their own. They do so much for us not even seen, just so we can get the most out of what God has us here for. :D
(This is Jason Witt he is a very good cook [and he can kick my butt at Halo] and he is one of our leaders.)

(This is Bekah Witt she is Jason's wife and another one of our leaders [plus she can make killer deserts].)

One thing they did was rapped the table in paper and wrote,“I Am Thankful For” and we wrote on it things that we are thankful for. And when I started thinking “what am I thankful for?” It hit me I am very thankful for my family and how much God has given me a love for them, and how much He is FAITHFUL even when I do not put faith in Him. And How He loved me first, THAT GETS ME ALL THE TIME! :D
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love, because He first loved us.1 John 4:18-19

(Lets just say it was a good looking table of thanks!)

Also another thing i realized was that I am truly blessed to have a team of like minded people that I am with. Cause honestly this would be harder if I was by myself.
This Thanksgiving was also fun because we had 3 different cultures represented. We an Indian couple fromSouthern India (who have an awesome story), we had 2 Kenyans there who work with us and of course us Americans.
He all had a great time, Praise the Lord for letting us do this and have the ability to be a American sometimes. :D
For most times I dont even recognize them. Your to good to me!

(Time and I injoying our Thanksgiving meal!)

Posted via email from hayimadork's posterous

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