Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Men Can Wear Skirts, So Get Over It!

([{This is a blog about what it’s like to live in the contacts that I am living in}])

p.S: It may sound that I am against how people in America live during this blog, I am not against it at all. And I am NOT discriminating against this culture or there beliefs. 

I just want to confess before I start that I really like wearing man skirts.
(Which is called a Kikoy)

The Culture I live in is almost a complete opposite of how American’s live, minus some of the culture in the South, lol. The culture is based off relationships, talking and spending time with people, its more important than doing things and getting thinks done.  It really kind of cool, they value family so much, and people are more important than anything. Its okay to be late, in fact its implied that you be late, when they say be there at 4:00pm people probably wont show up until 5:00pm or 6:00pm. I like that! :D The culture is also very hospitable and they respect elderly people way more than we do in the states.
I honestly think we in the states could really learn from this culture.
The temperature here is hotter than most parts of the states, very dry and not a lot of wild life that you would typically think of when thinking of Africa. I have seen giraffes, wort hogs, crocodile or alligator (i can never remember the difference) [dont tell my dad he might disown me, lol haha jk], hippos, lots of donkeys*, lots of goats*, camels*, chickens*, cows* and different types of monkeys. (The ones with stars on them are the animals I see daily)
The basis of what I eat is rice, beans, wheat/starch, and some meat.
I live in a concrete house with 3 other men; Nate Hadravah, Tim Kopylov, and Harrison Akubala (he teaches us Swahili and works for BCOM [the college I am in])
I walk almost everywhere, which is great.
There are many different tribes that live here, all with their own way of living and traditions. They all have a basis thats the same but not all are alike. I mostly live among Salamis, Kikuyu, Kambas, Bantus, Ormas and some others that I cannot remember.
There are three main religions that are followed/practiced here:

  1. Islam= The study/practice of the Quran and Hadith, believing in Allah (God) and his last prophet Mohammed.
  2. African Traditional Religion (ATR)= There is no specific name for it because in different tribes there are different ways of practicing and believing. Most of them have a basis of witchcraft, ancestral worship, and believing in a spirit world; all of some type.
  3. Christianity= The study/practice of the Bible, believing in Jesus Christ who came from the creator of all, God.
Some times all three of these beliefs are combined in a way. If ones does not work they might go try another. For example: if someone goes to the doctor in town and does not get better, they will go to the witchdoctor and if that does not work, then they will pray to Mohammed and might do some ritual, and then if that does not work they will pray to Jesus Christ. (Just an example does not always happen)
Last P.S.:
Not all of Kenya or all of Africa is like this, these cultures and beliefs are just are in the area were I live!
Tty when I wright again!

Posted via email from hayimadork's posterous

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