Monday, July 5, 2010

Darkness Will Be Lost & Forgotten

As the sun is awakening from his sleep, it starts to shine his light on the darkness. Things become visible, sin is left to creep back into the sewers where it belongs. People want to be in the light where they can see but really, what is their heart crying out to do? It is torn between wanting to see, so it's able to do things of the day and getting in the darkness so it may do what it fills without exposing it's self. Even though the sun will begone and come back the next day, it wants to be in the dark. Thinking it will be satisfied, the longer in the dark the more it depends and gets held down by the heavy burden, craving a need for more and more. Just as it has had enough and can't take the height of the darkness, dawn starts to brake along the horizon, and it sees hope and redemption coming out of the valley. Once it catches the rays of the sun, it's restored, redeemed, cleansed, and a new. As it soaks up the radiant light its gets distracted by the thought of "night is coming" and it cannot stop it. Panicking frantically, running around not knowing what to do. Peace hit him and came over him saying "The dark will come, temptation will be knocking, creatures will be around the corner wanting and waiting to devour you. But, YOU MUST HOLD FAST and grip strongly to the truth and satisfaction of the coming light, for it is coming and we cannot stop. Even now in the darkness seems never-ending, painful, heavy, and thirsting. You have been restored, redeemed, cleansed, and made a new by the light. Again hold fast and push through for the sun will come again and utterly destroy the darkness. When it has devoured the darkness, the darkness will be obliterated. If ever in doubt look up to the moon is shows the coming of the light. The sun is coming quickly its just beyond the horizon, when it comes it will never leave. Darkness will be no more and light will prevail, no more suffering and torment for it is lost and forgotten. When in doubt look the the moon."

Posted via email from hayimadork's posterous

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