Saturday, February 28, 2009

Been long time!!

I was debating on what to blog about cuz it has been a long time sense I have blogged. I could blog about a lot but I wanted to blog the most important things! lol
But everything we do needs to be important by impacting the kingdom of God.

God is taking me through the book of Song of Solomon right now and it is flippin AWESOME, AMAZING, EXUBERANT, FANTASTIC, basically flat out INDESCRIBABLE!!!!
He is showing how His deep and embracing His love is!!!!
And I am not even out of Chapter 2! :D

The other thing I want to tell yall about is we as a college go up to the University of Minnesota every Monday night and do an Out-Reach there with a church there called So-Journ.
We as a college do different out-reaches to help reach different parts of the U of M (University of Minnesota) campus.
We do Out-Reaches like going to coffee houses and talk to people about God, going to different Muslim study groups and talking with them about what they believe in, going to a woman's pregnancy talking to women about abortion, International group where they meet with a group of of internationals each week and do some fun stuff, going and cleaning frat houses, healing group that goes to hospitals, there is a group that stays back and prays the whole time that we all out doing God's will, there is hot cocoa team that hands out hot cocoa and ask people to pray for people, there are people that go to an open mic night and share testimonies and poetry of God, and there is a bus group that goes on buses and talks to people about Christ, and I am probably missing some other out-reaches but I cannot think of them. LOL! :D
If I could ask yall to pray for the out-reach that God put on my heart to start which was the Bus out-reach. That everything will be His in this out-reach and none of it will be mine not even the idea was mine it was all His idea.
God has been doing through me for about 4 mouths I really want to know that it is not in my hands but His. :D
I can really give a testimony that it is God's and not mine. :D Its really exciting!!! We as a group "we" meaning the bus group have been riding the same bus for about 4 solid mounts almost 5 and our out-reach statement is Luke 10, which talks about going out in twos and finding people of peace. When you find those people you stay there you do not leave. :D On the route we are on we have found our people of peace one of my friends His name is Justin he made a great relationship with a person. Whose name is Stephani and she plays the violin, and its really funny because when we are not on the bus when we have like brakes for school or something like that or Justin is not there she ask question like 'Where are they?' it is like she expects us to on there. :D it is so awesome!!!:D
Another person that is a person of peace is... opp I forgot her name but oh well but she is a great person. We had a great conversation the last time on the bus about the class she is in right now and about what they talk about. She is in this sex and human class and in class that day they talk about how porn influences the world these days and is it really addicting or not. So that's what we talk about and we shared each others views on it. We both did not completely agree on everything. But we did not argue about any of it or get load we did it in a nice and respectable manor it was really quiet fun. :D We wont get into detail,
but if you would like to know more please give me a call I do not mind talking about. :D
Will that is what God has called me to do on Monday nights on U of M campus
Praise God!!! for His loving embrace!! :D
To day I got to talk to people from back home man that was a lot fun it was nice to see them :D
Praise God for skype no joke!!! :D
I got to see form cuz it was D-Now weekend and a bunch of the girls were staying at my house for the retreat. My mom loves hosting those things God gave her such a heart of hospitality its amazing. :D
Well that is what is going on in the life of Drew Powell!!
Thank you for tuning in, check in next time for the exciting news of
Pursuing to go Upward

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