Like in the last month!
Sorry it has been so long, I am really trying to do two of these a month but it is not really working it is kind of hard to do one a month. I am going to try to make it short and sweet because if it is to long no one would want to read it! LOL :)(:Any was!! :D
We(Students and I at Bethany College of Missions) are still in school, we will be in school for about 7 to 8 weeks left. Man it has flown by. Sense the blog we done an out Out-Reach ministry week! It was a lot of fun. We hook up with an organization call "Good in the Hood" and did evangelism in downtown Minneapolis. We first did cardboard ministry. "What is that?" Great question, I did not know what it was either. We put in short amount of letter as we could, our testimonies. Testimonies of what God did through and how He brought us out of the darkness of our sins and into His glorious light! It was awesome standing on the ground knowing that God is the reason that I am here were I am at right now! :D
We went into different parts of the city and fellowship with people and shared the Love of Christ. Some rejected some loved the attention and love.
The last day we had a cook out with hot dogs in the church parking lot that was hosting us. We invited people at the beginning of the day telling them that we are having a cook out (free food)and prizes. We had games for kids, free Bibles and free stuff to hand out. We had a time that one of our students shared what God has done in His life and what He is still doing in His life.
It was so amazing how many people showed up! We had around 700 hot dogs and they were all gone, with one pack left over and people were full. WOW! God provided big time!
The coolest part about this week was after we down cleaning up some people were still hanging around and we were playing soccer in the parking lot. In that time a man wattled up that was pretty drunk. You could smell the alcohol on his breath. I could go on about what he looked like but the greatest thing was that we(Two girls name Naomi, and Aly, one other dude named Nate) were able to witness to him for about an hour or so. But it was kind of different and hard in a way cuz he was drunk. But we really got to pray for him and really listened to his heart and what he is dealing with in life! (if you want to see more pictures for this week you can go to my facebook link for the pictures is,
That was last month so, what is happening now is I am taking a class called "God heart for Israel and the Jewish people". It is really an amazing class. I have not noticed how much the Jews and Jewish culture has influenced the Christian world also our beliefs. (All biblical of cource)
I do not know what else to say about that its is just an awesome class. It has hit deep.
I do not know what else to say about that its is just an awesome class. It has hit deep.
The team(People that are going to Kenya with me) and I are starting to hang out and getting to know one another better. Last weekend we went to Aly's house for the whole weekend. Which was so much fun we got to know kind of what it is going to be like when we live for with each other. (if you want to see pictures you can go to my facebook)
This weekend we are going to Nate's house to have an another awesome opportunity to get to know one another and how it it to live together. (do not worry we sleep in different rooms)
I am really excited for this coming up weekend is that we get to slaughter chickens. I have always wanted to kill my dinner. LOL :D
Do not worry Ill take pictures.:)(:
This weekend we are going to Nate's house to have an another awesome opportunity to get to know one another and how it it to live together. (do not worry we sleep in different rooms)
I am really excited for this coming up weekend is that we get to slaughter chickens. I have always wanted to kill my dinner. LOL :D
Do not worry Ill take pictures.:)(:
I Hope ALL of y'all have an AWESOME week and may it be blessed by the Almighty God in a way that is out of this world!!!
*Peace Love and Jesus*
Drew Powell
Filling Peoples Drinks!!!
*Peace Love and Jesus*
Drew Powell
Romans 12:9-10
Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.